Jump-start Your Brush Pen Calligraphy & Lettering Game
Are you currently stuck deciding which brush pens to begin with? Are you frequently asking lettering and calligraphy artists which brush pens they will use or what pen is the fact that?
Should you clarified yes either to of the aforementioned questions, this brush pen guide is perfect for you.
Know Your Tools
You will probably get a list filled with various brush pens varying from firm to soft tip which are famous today’s lettering world.
Practicing To Achieve Perfection
On the top of supplying you having a thorough listing of brush pens, you're going to get three four printable practice sheets. Have another group of guides that will help you practice your consistency.
In 2014, I authored articles since the basics of brush pens and pen pressure. Let me help lettering and calligraphy artists, like yourself, that are curious about researching the different sorts of accessible brush pens. Later on, I intend to educate an extensive course on brush pen lettering and also the vectorization process. This is actually the perfect guide if you are just searching for any spot to get began.
By joining the e-newsletter, you won't just get the guide free of charge, but you’ll will also get exclusive content associated with design, lettering and professionalism each week that may help you get one stage further.
Source: highpulp.com